​​​​​​​Children's and Youth Education​

Traditional Classroom Catechesis

2024-2025 School Year

Assignments by class are found below.  Any books needed are available at the Parish Office.  You must register for any students receiving Sacraments in 2021 (Reconciliation, 1st Communion, Confirmation.)

For more Information:
Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation
St. Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church
Office Phone:  360-385-3700
Email:  pryland@stmaryss.com

The Beloved - 4-5 Years Old

The Beloved are just beginning their spiritual journey.  During these years, they become aware of Jesus' great love for them as the Good Shepherd and learn to follow His call as they "recognize His voice" (John 10:4).  They are introduced to aspects of faith with the underlying themes of God's love, protection, and desire for personal relationship with each of us, and our response to God's invitation.

Activity packets can be picked up at the office.

Prayer Lists:

Seekers - 6-8 Years Old

The Seekers, are taking a more active role in their journey with the Lord, especially as they prepare to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist.  They are briefly introduced to how God has worked in our lives throughout salvation history while discovering how He works in our lives today.  They explore the historical context of Jesus to remind them that Jesus is a real person from a real place before they make the leap to seeing Him in the Eucharist.  They also contemplate the parts of the Liturgy of the Eucharist through various hands-on activities.

Please register your child at the top of this page if they are making their 1st Confession and 1st Communion this year.​

Two options for preparing for Reconciliation:

  • Blessed!  First Reconciliation.  Requires registering your email here:  Dynamic Catholic You will receive a weekly link to videos and workbook pages.
  • God's Gift:  Reconciliation.  Pick up at the Parish Office.

Two options for preparing for First Communion:

  • Blessed!  First Communion.  Requires registering you email here:  Dynamic Catholic You will receive a weekly link to videos and workbook pages.
  • God's Gift:  Eucharist.  Pick up at the Parish Office

Other Online Resources:

  • Programs/Youth Programs/Signs of Grace (Reconciliation and Eucharist series, also in Spanish)
  • Movies/Kids/Brother Francis Bread of Life:  Celebrating the Eucharist! and Forgiven:  The Blessing of Confession.

Sacramental Preparation Guide - Prayer Lists

6 Years Old

7 Years Old

8 Years Old

Stewards - 8-10 Years Old

​​Unfortunately, we will not be able to provide course work for the Stewards this year.  Normally, students in the Stewards class cover the Mass, learn the congregation's responses, and review each Sacrament in depth.  Below are listed some good on-line resources for this age group.

Formed:  Movies/Kids/Brother Francis:  The Mass:  A Life-giving Prayer


Scholars - 10-12 Years Old

Normally, students in the Scholars class study the life of Jesus through Bible readings.  Unfortunately, we will not be able to provide regular instruction from a catechist this year.  Below is a suggested syllabus for home study.

Scholar's Syllabus

Other Online Resources:


  • Movies/Kids/The Witness Trilogy

​Prayer List:

Confirmands/Confirmandae 12+ Years Old

As early as age 12, and with the approval of their parents, the Confirmands prepare to receive the freely given gift of the Holy Spirit to share actively in the Paschal Mystery as authentic witnesses of Jesus in the world.  They spend the year in preparation for this event, using Faith Fusion (Our Sunday Visitor Press) as a guide.  The Confirmands review the tenets of the Faith and spend time considering their future roles and responsibilities in the Church.

Confirmands will meet (socially distanced) in the social hall once a month, where the weekly assignments will be discussed, previewed, and checked.  Mrs. Rita Beebe will be handing out Faith Fusion workbooks and supplies.  Please use the registration form at the top of the page to register your child to receive Confirmation.

For each unit, write answers for the following sections:

  • Start Living
  • Know and Believe
  • Make It Happen
  • Your Turn, part B only
  • Also, 1x/month, write two paragraphs comparing a Sunday reading and the homily with the homily in One Bread, One Body
